As some of you might know, Ariel has been suffering from a bad case of hives for the past few days. We are suspecting that it is due to a few strands of noodles she ate - which I realised was fried with prawns and squid. So, it probably wasn't a wise move and we would be holding back seafood for a while longer. That said, the heartwarming part in this incident is that despite having dozens of red patches and hundreds of raised spots on her body, she still flashes me that gorgeous grin and let me hear her sweet laughter every now and then.
I know, I just know, that I am blessed to be able to stay by her side and be the one showering her with an abundance of motherly love and caring for her as much as I can.
March has been a most eventful and memorable month for us, therefore in this issue of "Happiness is", join me as I remember the happy moments that took place and remind myself on how lucky and blessed my family truly is.

Angel and Ariel finally get to hold hands when we go out. It doesn't happen every time because the little sister still prefers to hold onto me or the daddy, but at least she is now more receptive about holding jiejie's hand and this loving scene of them never fails to make me smile and be thankful that I have two girly girls.
The big sister had the chance to attend the holiday workshop at heART Studio and for the first time, she learnt about Alice in Wonderland. I loved how her Alice turned out in the end as well as the colourful teacups and jugs she painted.
Every weekend in March, we brought the kids out and explored different parts of the island. Although we are not fans of museums, we took them to the National Museum of Singapore - the oldest museum in Singapore, and ended up enjoying the afternoon and learning about our history and culture more than we expected.

We took a walk at Fort Canning Park, one of Singapore's most historic landmarks. We laid on the grass, watched the clouds, played catching, made balloons out of plastic bags and taught the kids that sometimes in life, the simplest things can bring about the most joy.
One Saturday, we decided to venture further and brought the kids to the Underwater World in Sentosa. For the first time, Ariel stroked and touched baby sharks and for me, I fed a gigantic sting ray by letting it suck a piece of meat in my hand. Yes, I screamed.
A memorable incident was that we were asked by a stranger to be part of a marriage proposal plan and they requested for Ariel to walk up the conveyor belt with an engagement ring box and show the ring to the bride-to-be, who was going to have the biggest surprise of her life. I was amazed by how the guy had roped in all his friends, the girl's friends, his parents, siblings, even her parents to help out in his proposal. There must have been at least two dozen people lying in wait, each with a rose in hand, as the guy, who was in the tank diving with the sharks, unveiled a banner that said "I can live without oxygen but I cannot live with you. Will you marry me?" Awww. It was extremely sweet and of course, with tears flowing down her cheeks, the girl said yes. How awesome that we could be of help!
We visited Pulau Ubin with some friends previously and decided to go back again on one weekend. But this time, we brought my parents and guess what, we decided to be adventurous and cycle around the island. It was rather challenging and tough, especially with the rocky paths and steep roads, but lots of fun nonetheless. Kudos to Ariel for surviving the trip, even though she did get cranky in the later part of the day and I had to breastfeed her in the middle of nowhere, sitting on a bike. I hope to share more of our Ubin pictures and write-up soon!
The Disney on Ice presents Treasure Trove was one of the best shows I watched with the girls and I was just glad they had the chance to come up close with their favourite Disney characters and even now, Angel can't stop talking about how she has met Rapunzel, her favourite princess of all.
Thanks to the Reunion Dinner we attended, organised by final year students in NTU Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, we had our one second of fame on the news that night. It was hilarious for me because I knew that I had food in my mouth and was chewing away when the camera filmed us, not aware that it would so coincidentally end up being broadcast on national TV.
In other updates, we were also extremely fortunate to be the mum blogger and family chosen to be the cast for an upcoming advertising campaign on a product and brand that I, in reality, trust and hold dear. I will be writing and sharing more about the filming process in due course and share more about this invaluable experience with you. Do keep a lookout for us on TV and in print too!
Last but not least, we were overwhelmed with surprise and joy when we won the first prize in the AIA Vitality Bento Making Challenge. It was awesome meeting up with fellow mum bloggers and for the first time, we were called celebrity bloggers. *laughs* I will be sharing about our bento making experience and recipe with you later this month!
Yes, you see, this has really been a good month for us and we are so thankful for all the good things we have been bestowed with. I always feel that we are truly lucky and extremely blessed, and I want my kids to know that in order to stay happy in life, they have to remain positive and learn to be contented with whatever they have.
Do you have any happy moments to share too?

Happy memories have a special way of touching our hearts every time we think about them. Join in my linky party at the end of every month and let us smile, rejoice and share the simple joys of life. Highlight and press Ctrl + C to copy my button above, include it in your post/sidebar and add your link below. For happiness is all around us.
Congrads again on wining 1st prize in the bento competition.will look out for your tv/ newspaper ad for that major brand. a real superstar celebrity blogger Summer!!
ReplyDeleteThanks Dom, I was really lucky to win but I think we all did very well that day! =) Haha, I think it was funny that the emcee referred us as celebrity bloggers! I think I am only worthy of the title 'Mum Blogger', never wanted to be a superstar and never will be. Thanks for keeping a lookout! =)
DeleteIt was great meeting you again Summer!! What an experience it was, ya? I'm surprised we managed to get through it without any 'accidents'! Hehehe...
ReplyDeleteCongratulations again! Well done, I say. GO WE! :D