There is something magical about spring. Flowers bloom, birds sing and there is this feeling of hope in the air everywhere I go. You know how they say everyday is a brand new day and the sun will rise again? I love that positivity but I love the beginning of the year even more. For all the wrongs, bads and downs that happen in the last year, it seems like I now have another chance to make things right again.
January marks a brand new start for us and the way I see it, 2015 is going to be an awesome year. In this month's "Happiness is...", it's of anticipation for the good things to come. Of good cheer and optimism. Of happy kids and contented smiles. Of something very priceless and the key to a happy life - hope.
May 2015 be filled with more moments like...
.... the way they screamed and laughed when a balloon smashed into their faces.
... the way they try to hug, carry and do the waltz with each other before they start rolling on the grass.
.... the look of concentration on her face when she attempts to achieve something for the first time.
.... then the feeling of joy and pride when they finally accomplish it.
.... the way my dear mum smiled like a child when she did something fun and unexpected with her grandchild.
... how I would wave ardently and give flying kisses whenever she goes on a ride.
.... the way she would flash me her puppy eyes and look at me like I was the only person left in the world.
.... how my back would ache after hours of coaching her to cycle but still not succeed and I remind myself that patience is a virtue.
.... getting close to nature and realising how joy can be found in the little things in life, like picking leaves and spotting mudskippers.
... hearing their sweet, innocent laughter and laughing with them on our three-girls date.
... enjoying a simple dinner together and cherishing the moments I get to be with them when they are this young.
.... how she would like to take book after book in the library to flip through, point and start saying a string of half baby talk and half gibberish.
.... being reminded on how blessed and fortunate it is to have two daughters and for them to have a sister.
.... how these two would protect and care for each other in the most loving ways.
.... the chance to be transported back to my childhood days and the way those memories bring back a smile.
.... the way the big girl would hold my hand all the way to school and how the small girl would run into my chest when she sees me every morning.
.... enjoying every family outing and knowing that the most important thing is having each other.
.... remembering that life is beautiful, that laughter is the best medicine, that hugs and kisses go a long way and that hope is always in our hearts.
Do you feel the joy and hope of Spring too?
P.S. Next month, I will share with you about the 15 things I am doing differently in 2015. Perhaps you might like to take a moment to reminisce and remind yourself about the things that matter in your life and how you can make this a better year too!

Happy memories have a special way of touching our hearts every time we think about them. Join in my linky party at the end of every month and let us smile, rejoice and share the simple joys of life. Highlight and press Ctrl + C to copy my button above, include it in your post/sidebar and add your link below. For happiness is all around us.
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