A beautiful soul

Posted by ~Summer~ on December 10, 2011

I haven't been watching much TV lately but last night I caught the grand finals of China's Got Talent Season 1.

And boy was I glad I did. Watching all these people, ordinary people like me, fighting so hard for their dreams, it made me feel kind of ashamed as to why I'm not doing more than I am. 

There was this 22-year-old guy that left an impression so deep in my mind that I think I am going to remember him for the rest of my life. Especially when I play the piano. Yes, I love to play the piano though it's mostly self taught and I can only play a handful of Mandarin pop songs. To think I actually thought learning the piano is hard.

You see, he has such an unique way of playing the piano. Because he has no hands.

At 10, he got into an accident and after a 45-day coma, he survived but lost both his arms.

He cried. But he moved on.

At 12, he learnt to swim.

At 16, he learnt to type.

At 19, he learnt to play the piano.

There were some memorable quotes he said that would stick with me for a very, very long time.

"我的人生中只有两条路: 要么赶紧死, 要么精彩的活着"
I have two choice in my life: Either I die faster, or I lead an exciting life.

Life goes on, at least I still have a pair of perfect legs.

"人要对自己的梦想负责, 希望大家可以坚持自己喜欢的事情"
Man has to be responsible for his dreams, I hope everyone can stay committed to what they like to do.

Here is Liu Wei, the guy who touched my heart and earned my tears.

Honestly, who are we to complain about life?

The truth is so many of us are blessed and we take this happiness and all the good things in life for granted. When one small obstacle hits us, we crumble and think that it's the end of the world. We forgot how strong we can be. We forgot how to be contented. We forgot what it was like to actually fight for our dreams.

We not only have to have a dream, we need to live it. Thank you Liu Wei, for showing me your beautiful soul and for inspiring me to be a better mum, a better wife and a better person.

More importantly, that dreams do come true as long as you have the heart and the willpower.



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